Technological Reference

CTAEX is a technological benchmark in the South and West of the Iberian Peninsula

The Centro Tecnológico Nacional Agroalimentario CTAEX ( CTAEX Agricultural and Food Technological Centre) is a research association inaugurated in January 2001, a private centre for innovation and agricultural and food technology which has had since a long professional career, both at national and international levels.

Services for agricultural and agri-food companies

Research applied to the improvement of production processes

Our main objective is to satisfy the demands and needs of the development of sustainable methods of production, conservation and transformation of agri-food products under an integrated rural development approach, seeking competitiveness and efficiency of productions.
Developed projects
Lines of investigation
Regional Operating Groups

infoCtaex, the agri-food news

We provide professionals and companies with tools for information and dissemination of knowledge and topics of interest, such as Technological Observatories, our newsletter, CTAEX Channel on YouTube and social networks.