STEP Technologies

Tecnologías STEP

Biotechnology is defined as the application of biological systems and living organisms, or their derivatives, to create or modify products or processes for specific purposes. This field encompasses various disciplines, including plant biotechnology, which focuses on techniques such as in vitro cultivation, molecular biology, and genetic engineering to improve and enhance plant productivity for the benefit of society.

The Centro Tecnológico Nacional Agroalimentario de Extremadura (CTAEX) is a private, non-profit business association that brings together cooperatives and agro-food companies. Its mission is to generate and apply technological knowledge to strengthen the sector’s competitiveness through innovation. CTAEX specializes in sustainability, agriculture, and biotechnology applied to agricultural systems, actively participating in national and international projects aimed at optimizing biofactory crops, using genetically modified plants to produce high-value compounds.

One of its flagship projects is Newcotiana, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 program, which aims to transform tobacco into a biofactory through genetic editing (CRISPR/Cas9) to produce compounds used in medicine and cosmetics. The modified plants were developed by the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology of Plants (IBMCP) and tested in field trials by CTAEX.

Additionally, CTAEX has collaborated with the German company NOMAD Bioscience GmbH on trials to produce thaumatin, a zero-calorie sweetener derived from genetically modified tobacco plants. This partnership led to the establishment of Nambawan Spain S.L., which plans to develop an industrial plant in Extremadura to scale production.

In 2023, CTAEX and IBMCP applied for funding from the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) to further optimize the varieties developed in these projects. The goal is to improve production, expand field trials, and establish cultivation and traceability protocols, fostering the implementation of biofactory crops in Europe. These efforts align with the Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform (STEP), which identifies biotechnology, digital technologies, and clean energy as key sectors for EU sovereignty and competitiveness.

The European Commission recognizes biotechnology as a strategic sector within STEP, alongside digital and clean energy technologies. In this context, CTAEX’s research and development in biofactory crops contribute to the sustainable production of high-value biomolecules, reinforcing the EU’s technological independence.

To carry out these projects, CTAEX has secured permits from Spain’s National Biosafety Commission for the voluntary release of genetically modified plants for research purposes. Field trials have been conducted at its experimental facilities in Mérida, solidifying CTAEX’s reputation as a national leader in biotechnological innovation, particularly in the development and validation of biofactory plants.

CTAEX maintains key collaborations with research groups such as:
Plant Genomics and Biotechnology – IBMCP-CSIC
Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology – University of Extremadura

Additionally, CTAEX collaborates with biotechnology startups, including:
Madeinplant: A green biotechnology company that develops sustainable solutions in food and health using synthetic biology to produce biomolecules in plants.
Naplatec: A biotech firm specializing in botanical extracts to enhance health and well-being, focusing on the production of high-value carotenoids for the cosmetic, nutraceutical, pharmaceutical, and agro-food industries.

The INNTERCONECTA-STEP call, scheduled for April 2025, will fund R&D projects led by business consortia focused on regional innovation. Projects must align with STEP’s priority areas, including biotechnology, digital technologies, and clean energy, and be conducted in Spain’s less-developed and transition regions.

Previous programs, such as FEDER Innterconecta, demonstrated significant impact:
42% of participating companies generated direct employment.
36% secured international R&D projects.
26 patents were registered, primarily in strategic industrial sectors.

CTAEX operates two experimental farms dedicated to agri-food research and innovation, enabling field trials and testing of innovative cultivation processes:

El Bercial (Badajoz) – 24 hectares, equipped with an irrigation system and the necessary agricultural machinery for conducting controlled trials.
El Prado (Mérida) – 61 hectares, dedicated to applied research, innovation in strategic crops, and sustainable production trials.

These experimental farms allow CTAEX to conduct advanced research in the agro-food sector, contributing to enhanced productivity, sustainability, and competitiveness.