
  • Register of Technology Centers and Innovation Support Centers of the General Secretary of Innovation of the Ministry of Science and Innovation as Technology Center number '80' dated October 28, 2009
  • Catalog of Agents of the Extremadura Science, Technology and Innovation System (SECTI), from May 24, 2023 in the classification of Technology Generation Agent (AGT) with cataloging code AGT003
  • In 2024 Knowledge Transfer Office (KTO) with number 60 (Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities)
  • CTAEX is included in the Positive List of Research Centres for the purposes of compliance with Article 4.4(b) of Royal Decree 857/2022 of 11 October. Operational Programme for interventions related to FVPO research activities. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.
  • Member of the Instituto Universitario Conjunto de Investigación en Recursos Agrarios (INURA), a research center created jointly by the University of Extremadura, the Regional Ministry of Economy, Science and Digital Agenda, CICYTEX and CTAEX, created by resolution of June 21, 2023 by the Secretary of the Ministry of Economy, Science and Digital Agenda
  • Member of the National PI+D+I Innovation Support Network, coordinated by the CDTI, to provide advice on public aid to companies seeking the best public funding for their R&D&I activities, through regional, national, European or international programs.
  • Food handlers training centres Registry: EX/FMA/0232004
  • Laboratory registered by the Council of Agriculture, Rural Development, Population, and Territory of the Regional Government of Extremadura Registry: 06-014
  • Seed Selecting Centre No. E/10/06/2574
  • Certificate of conformity for the Quality System according to standard UNE EN-ISO 9001:2015. No. ER-0457/2010 Certified by AENOR
  • Certificate of conformity for the R&D+i Management System according to standard UNE 166002:2021. No. IDI-0017/2009 Certified by AENOR
  • Registry of Incumbent Operators of Agricultural Farms of Ecological Production No. 15545/P certified by the Council of Environment and Rural Affairs, Agricultural Policies and Territory of the Regional Government of Extremadura
  • Authorization as a Producer of Seeds and Greenhouse Plants, with registry entry number ES/10/06/2574 as a Multiplier Producer for forest and ornamental species groups, horticultural plants, horticultural seeds, and as a Breeder-Selector Producer for textiles species groups (Cannabis sativa L.), as well as for the use of PEU Plant Passport
  • Laboratory accredited by ENAC in the UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard with acreditation number 1467/LE2629 for medicinal cannabis and industrial hemp testing.
  • Sanitary Registrations:
    • Manufacturing and/or processing and/or transformation and packaging of meat products. Packaging of meat products. 10.21253/BA
    • Manufacture and/or processing and/or transformation and/or transformation and packaging of canned vegetables, vegetables and legumes and of extracts of products of vegetable origin. 21.22973/BA
    • Manufacture and/or processing and/or transformation of condiments and spices. 20.001614/BA
    • Manufacture and/or processing and/or processing and/or transformation and packaging of prepared foods and sauces. 21.10062/BA
      Manufacture and/or processing and/or processing and/or transformation of soluble extracts of other vegetable species. 25.003128/BA