HARNESSTOM. Harnessing the value of tomato genetic resources for now and the future

HARNESSTOM is an industry-driven innovation action that aims to improve accessibility and consolidate the use and knowledge of tomato genetic resources in order to meet new challenges imposed by consumers and threats of global change through promoting interaction between the different stakeholders in the tomato production chain.

HARNESSTOM will address bottlenecks and special problems identified by industry partners (from producers to seed companies) and consumers, by facilitating information and access to genetic resources and by developing a series of materials prior to reproduction that will accelerate the use of genetic resources and meet the needs of the productive sector and consumers.
HARNESSTOM's innovative operational and management structures will provide an effective operational framework to transfer materials, knowledge and techniques from academia and industry to the productive sector, moving from the laboratory to assisting growers and growers with their commercial needs.


HARNESSTOM's innovation goals are intended to help meet the needs of the productive sector, identifying those needs during the proposal preparation phase and subsequently providing market-oriented and problem-solving materials / knowledge. To do this, HARNESSTOM will provide a much needed unified EU-based tomato germplasm information and instrument platform, develop elite pre-production phase materials and share the technical knowledge to address, in a series of case studies , the main concerns of the different tomato stakeholders. This will imply taking advantage of the variability present in the tomato genetic background, taking advantage of the preselection platforms created by different specific alliances between the academic world and seed companies / farmers (subprojects of the "ring-fenced" type as in WP5- 7) or between academia and farmers (participatory plant breeding in WP8). HARNESSTOM is expected to generate a valuation of genetic resources and intellectual property that will be exploited with priority within our association and eventually by the rest of the community of tomato growers.

HARNESSSTOM will capitalize on and exploit the wealth of scientific knowledge and information on tomato genetics and the characterization of tomato genetic resources that is available in the EU at a scientific level, in order to bring them to a market-oriented level prior to its cultivation to accelerate the social and commercial exploitation of GenRes which, over time, will lead to new registered varieties, patents and other intellectual property instruments.

Source of funds