Method of and apparatus for treating meat, fish and like edible substances for curing and like purposes

Fecha de publicación: 01/06/1922
Fuente: WIPO "meat"
180,497. Rushen, P. C., (International Meat Smoking Corporation). April 2, 1921. Preserving meat, fish, &c.-Meat, fish, &c. are smoked or treated with gases while electrified or passing through an electric field. Suitable apparatus consists of a chamber 10 through which run a pair of chains 12 passing over sprockets 11. The meat to be treated is suspended from rods attached to the chains. Between the different portions of the chain are arranged electrodes 20, insulated from the chamber and connected to one terminal, preferably the positive, of an electric supply, the other terminal of which is grounded, as are the chains. Smoke or gas are introduced into the casing by a blower 26 and removed bv a blower 27. For attaching and removing meat the chamber 10 is provided with a horizontal portion with an open end 28, Fig. 4. To prevent the escape of smoke are provided two locks, one for entry and one for exit, each comprising two pairs of spring closed doors 29, which are opened and held open by projections 30 on the chains 12 while the meat is passing through. The meat, instead of being attached to an electrode, mav be made to slide over electrified plates or be electrified by induction only. A pulsating unidirectional current, giving a spark of from 3 to 10 inches long in air, is described as suitable.