AMITOM crop update as of 7 August 2024

Fecha de publicación: 10/08/2024
Fuente: Amitom
Lugar: crop report
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August 10, 2024

AMITOM crop update as of 7 August 2024


The harvest started ten days ago, and the weather and quality have been good so far, with no diseases. The largest processor Balkan Foods contracted 700 hectares and have been getting 60 t/ha on average so far, while the two other companies should harvest a total of 400 hectares, with yields at about 50 t/ha to date. The total forecast for Bulgaria is therefore increased to 60,000 tonnes.


The continuing heat wave is affecting the yield of the current summer crop and forthcoming late summer crop. Consequently a 15% reduction in the volume is now expected which would bring the total from 780,000 tonnes to 663,000 tonnes. The bright side that there’re 3-4 seasons in Egypt, so the coming winter crop expected to start by Mid-November, and all nominated acreages will be planted as planned.


In the south-east about 13,000 tonnes have already been processed while in the south-west harvesting will start after 15 August. Quality and yields are good, despite the spring weather, but a large peak of production is expected from 15-20 August into early September when early and late crop mature together. There is no change to the forecast.


The season is proceeding as expected with good weather, now warm but not too hot as the heatwave is over. The crop is in advance. About 20% of the total forecast of 500,000 tonnes has been processed to date.


Tomato processing starts at the beginning/middle of this week in the various regions. As a result of the hail in the Kecskemét region in mid-July, forced ripening started on some fields, as well as the warmer season and new bacterial diseases due to the weather, we are ahead of the norm in recent years in terms of ripening. The forecast remains 115,000 tonnes.


It is now expected that the total production will be at least 15 to 20% lower than last year at maybe about 1.5 to 1.6 million tonnes or maybe less. This is largely due to the very high temperatures (40-42°C) especially in the south reducing volumes harvested and quality. The harvest should start next week in the west and by the end of August in the north. 


North – There is a delay in the harvest and at the end of July in northern Italy only 155.000 tonnes had been processed with an average brix of 5.08% and penalties of 4.6%. Early crop yields are not so good in general due to the weather condition in May and June. There are expectations of yield below the average also for medium crops, but it’s too early to change any forecast also due to the uncertainty of the late crop at this stage of the season.South – Production will probably compensate the reduction in the north. Factories are now at full capacity as the crop is early and the quality is good. The only concern is the availability of water which may affect the end of the season as the Occhito reservoir will close mid August (luckily a week later than expected). The impact this will have is unknown but it is expected that more than half of the 10 to 12.000 hectares irrigated by this dam will have been harvested while others could have a reduced yield.   The total forecast remains 5.5 million tonnes. 


Factories are now all opened but the crop is a bit later than usual and full capacity will only be reached next week. The quality is generally good, and yields are expected to be possibly better than last year. The forecast remains unchanged. 

Russia (temporarily out of association)

No data


The harvest started late both in Andalusia (22 July) and in Extremadura (end of July/early August) due to the delayed planting and cooler spring. While 13% of the forecast had been processed at the end of July in 2023, this year it is only 3%.The very hot temperatures since mid-July with 40°C most days are encouraging red mites and fusarium, and there may also be some flower abortions, but which are too early to quantify and will be apparent in September. Yields too date are a bit low in Andalusia but quality is good and brix slightly lower than normal especially in Vegas Baja. The forecast remains unchanged at 2.8 million tonnes.


As of 5 August, 11 processing units were still in operation. To date, 798,135 tonnes of tomatoes have been processed, broken down by region as follows:·       42% in Cap Bon·       15% Greater Tunis·       30% Béja and Kef (north-west)·       13% Sidi Bouzid (South)


Everything is going to plan with the harvest continuing in the south while factories in the Bursa areas will open at the weekend, two or three days behind schedule. Yields and quality are ok and the forecast remains unchanged.


No data

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