AMITOM crop update as of 3 July 2024

Fecha de publicación: 05/07/2024
Fuente: Amitom
Lugar: crop report
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July 5, 2024

AMITOM crop update as of 3 July 2024


No data


The harvest is progressing normally. During the last week the weather has been very hot, with an average of 40°C, and thus the forecast could be reduced by about 5%.


Planting finished on 21 June on the total surface of 2,400 hectares, of which probably less than 300 hectares of organic. The unsettled spring weather (cold, rain, hail, …)  is favouring the development of late and early blight and various bacteriosis. Harvest should start on 18 July in the south-east and around 5 to 10 August in the south-west, with some bunching of the crop expected in August. Fruits are forming better than was thought earlier in June and the crop could be between 170,000 and 180,000 tonnes. 


The weather remains good with current temperatures around 33-37°C and the crop is growing well. There is some concern however as heavy rain and hail are expected tomorrow. It should be an early crop with the first factories opening on 15 July and the rest around 20 July.As there was little rain during the spring, there is already some concern regarding water availability for 2025 crop.


The forecast remained unchanged at 125,000 tonnes although from the first half of June different pathogens appeared (phytophtora, bacteria) but the farmers are defending against them.


Harvesting has just started in the south. The very hot weather currently (40-42 °C) could cause some sunburn damages. Production should be similar to last year at about 2 million tonnes, but the forecast will be adjusted as the harvest progresses.


In the North, the transplanting finished only last week in Piacenza area due to a very rainy spring. The harvest will start with a delay of 7- 10 days and the main part of the volumes will be available in September. The forecast is very uncertain related to the weather situation which is particularly complicated this year. At the moment 2.8 million tonnes seems to be a maximum target (as for last year) that will be achieved only with favourable weather conditions in the second part of the season.In the South, there are not changes. The only doubt is water availability in Puglia in late season.


The weather was cold in June, with some rain during the last week of the month. Storms last Friday flooded and damaged some fields, the full effect of which is not yet known but it could also favour the development of diseases. The weather is currently good with 30-33°C and the forecast favourable for next week. The harvest will start late, in August and will finish late as plants are still very small in the last fields planted. The forecast remains unchanged for now. 

Russia (temporarily out of association)

No data


Some heavy rain and storms (up to 40 mm) last week did not cause any direct damages but could favour the development of diseases.  Due to the late planting and the cold weather during late spring, the harvest will start late, around 18 July in Andalusia, at the end of July/early August in Extremadura and around 10-15 August in the North. There is no change to the forecast.


The harvest started on June 19 and as of July 1, the 20 factories in operation have already processed 224,000 tonnes of tomatoes mainly from the regions of Kairouan (in the centre) and Cap Bon. The total area planted in 2024 is 13,200 ha.


The forecast remains unchanged. The weather to date has been good, with no diseases. Factories should open from 10 July in the south and toward the end of the first week in August in the Bursa region.


Planting is now finished on an estimated 6,200 hectares. There have been no big issues to date, with good weather so far and the forecast remains 600,000 tonnes. Harvest should start in the second week of August.

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