AMITOM crop update as of 27 March 2024

Fecha de publicación: 02/04/2024
Fuente: Amitom
Lugar: crop report
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April 2, 2024

AMITOM crop update as of 27 March 2024


In an effort to extend the length of the season to hopefully 70 days, planting will start earlier than usual on 4 April with most surfaces to be planted between 20 April and mid-June. Contract have not been signed yet, but prices will be between 115 euros and 125 euros depending on time of harvest and brix. Total surfaces should increase by about 10% for a total production estimated at 44,000 tonnes.  


ICurrently, the late winter crop is being processed and quality looks exceptional in terms of colour. The harvesting of the summer crop expected to start in May and the forecast remains the same.


The surface planted should be about 2,400 hectares, of which only 300 hectares of organic (50% less than two years ago) for a total production expected at about 190,000 tonnes, 174,000 tonnes conventional (+21%) and 18,000 tonnes organic (-12%). This would mean that factories are at full capacity this year. It is currently raining causing a small delay in the planting which is just starting. The price is similar to last year at about 140 euros in the south-east, a bit lower in the south-west. 


Tweek. Farmers are keen to plant tomatoes and prices range between 135 and 155 euros depending on dates and factory with an average of 143-145 euros delivered. The forecast remains unchanged at 480,000 tonnes. 


There will be 1,600 ha of tomatoes planted with an expected production of 120,000 to 125,000 tonnes. Sowings for seedlings started mid-March. After cold mornings, 25°C is expected for the weekend.


No data


In the North, farmers have a good attitude to plant tomatoes due to the level of price for competitive crops. There was abundant rainfall in recent months and water availability is very good this year. Planting operation should start next week, but recent rainfall may postpone by 5- 7 days. The negotiation stalled: the request from the POs is 147 euro/t while the price offered is 125 euro/t ex field. In the South, negotiations have not started, as operators are waiting for the price in the north, but ANICAV sent a letter to growers stating some requests on penalties for both sides if contracts not adhered to, on the need to plant more round varieties compared to long ones and to reduce the length of the season to better use the large capacity of the factories and thus reduce costs of processing. The water situation is better with 145 million cubic metres in the Occhito dam, which is lower than usual but enough for a good crop, especially as rain is expected in the next couple of weeks. The total forecast for Italy remains about 5.6 million tonnes.    


There is no change to the forecast which remains 1.5 million tonnes. The weather has recently been cold and rainy, and it will probably delay the start of planting by at least a week. The price of tomatoes this year will range from 115 to 145 euros, delivered. 

Russia (temporarily out of association)

No data


In Extremadura, heavy rain in the last two days have postponed the planting which should have started this week but will probably be delayed by 7 to 10 days. Water availability in the region is normal and the surfaces planted should increase, although there is no official figure yet.  In Andalusia, planting started last week with about a week delay due to rain and cold weather. The water situation in the region has improved and the surface planted will increase this year, with one factory which has not opened in the last two season schedule to process this year, although another one should remain close.  The total estimate for Spain is raised to 2.8 million tonnes. Tomato price was negotiated individually by companies this year and range from 133 to 155 euros.


Even with the improvement in the overall volumes of water in the dams of 867.5 million m3 on 25/03/2024 (compared with 730.5 million m3 in 2023), the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries will continue to prohibit the planting of vegetable crops in the public irrigated areas, mainly in the governorates of Jendouba and Béja.Considering areas already planted and orders placed with nurseries, the forecast planting area is 13,000 hectares for a volume to be processed of 800,000 tonnes.


The weather is currently cool and cloudy the temperatures should rise to the high 20°C in the Izmir area in the next few days which will be speed plant development. Farmers are keen to plant tomatoes, and the forecast remains 2.7 million tonnes. The winter was mild with not much snow or frost so there is an increased risk of diseases and viruses which could affect yields this year. The average price is 3700 TRL delivered (currently 106 euros), but brix and processing yields are usually lower than in other European regions.


Transplanting should start at the end of April. Weather conditions are good. There are no issues with availability of fertilisers and crop protection supplies although there are difficulties with logistics due to the Polish border closing. It is expected that circa 600,000 tonnes could be processed in 2024.

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