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crop report
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August 24, 2024
AMITOM crop update as of 21 August 2024
The season is progressing well with about 25% of the harvest done with yields of about 60 t/ha and a brix of 5.1. The high temperatures of the last two weeks are causing some sunburn and red mites. Harvest should finish on 5 to 10 October with a total volume of 60,000 tonnes.
Nothing changed so far since the last update two weeks ago, monitoring closely the current harvesting progress & processing, crop development and climate conditions as well. We will see what the situation in the next weeks will be.
To date just over 40,000 tonnes, 22% of the total forecast, have been processed in the south-east with the harvest just starting in the south-west. After heatwave, temperatures are now 28-30°C with wind in the south-east. The peak of the harvest will arrive next week with mid/late season tomatoes joining the early crop. Quality is good and yields are ok, with some spider mites. Brix to date averages 5.1 and penalties 5.6%.
The season is early with about 58% of the forecast processed already. Quality is normal with a brix of 5.1 and 5% of penalties. Some rain yesterday in the centre and the south-west are slowing the harvest today, but the weather is generally good now.
The harvested area is over a third of the total one. The average Brix is over 5. The weather is still hot and dry with short local precipitations. This July was the hottest and the 7th dryest one since 1901. The total annual forecast remains unchanged.
The harvest is still on in the South and has now started in the West, while it is delayed in the North where it will only start at the end of the month and mainly in September. Temperatures are still very high at around 40°C. There is about 20 to 25% less tomatoes this year and their price is very high, which processors fight as they have to compete with cheaper Chinese production on their markets. The forecast remains 1.5 to 1.6 million tonnes.
In the North, as per the last data from the IO as of 11 August 675,000 tonnes had been processed with an average brix of 5.18 et 4.7% penalties. Last week an estimated 300,000 to 350,000 tonnes were harvested bringing the total as of 18 August to about one million tonnes, which is about 20% lower than the average of the last five years, due to the accumulated delay due to the weather and lower yields on the early crop. The bulk of the harvest (c. 60%) will take place in September. Some rains on 18 to 20 August have stopped or slowed the harvest this week. The total volume will depend on the late harvest.In the South, as of 11 August, 1.1 million tonnes had been processed, more than in 2023 but about the 2022 level. The brix is lower than normal. The harvest is slowed this week due to rains more on Tirrenian side (Toscana, Lazio and Campania), less on Adriaditic side (Puglia). The Occhito dam is now closed bringing concern for the late crop.The forecast remains 5.5 million tonnes but results will depend on the weather in September.
It is now the third week of the season, and all factories are running ok with about 21% of the crop harvested to date. At the end of last week, there were three days of heatwave at 37-40°C but temperatures are now back down to 28-29°C. It is a very windy summer, but this is good as helps fight diseases and reduces temperatures at night. There is no change in the forecast.
Russia (temporarily out of association)
No data
All the plants are now running including in the North where they started around 10 to 15 August. To date only about 27% of the total forecast has been processed, which is lower than normal. Temperatures remain high in Andalusia and Extremadura, changing the normal course of the tomato cultivation but quality seems generally good. There will be strong pressure on plants from mid-September but there is no change in the forecast.
Only 6 factories are still in operation, processing 4,000 tonnes a day. To date, 873,000 tonnes of tomatoes have been processed, broken down by region as follows:– 43% in Cap Bon– 14% in Greater Tunis– 31% Béja and Kef (north-west)– 13% Kairouan (South)
The Bursa region is now at its peak, but large volumes will be processed in September. The south is still strong with tomatoes still in the fields. Quality is generally good, but brix is lower than usual at 4.6-4.7. No change to the forecast. About 40% of the total volume expected as already been processed.
No data
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