Improvements in and relating to machines for fruit stoning

Fecha de publicación: 29/09/1927
Fuente: WIPO "stone fruits"
277,770. Leonhardt, H. July 12, 1926. Stoning fruit. - A fruit-stoning machine comprises a rotating member A carrying segments B hinged thereto, the segments being provided with rubber fruit - holding sockets C at the bottoms of which cupped ejector rings are positioned. The rotation of the member A brings the sockets C into registration with the stoning dies H and, after stoning, the segments fall, as shown, for ejectment of the stoned fruit, this being effected by rods F on the ejector rings striking against a plate G. The sockets are split to permit the movement of the rods F and are formed with bottom flanges which are held by keeper members screwed to the segments B. Stops I prevent the rods F from being totally withdrawn. The stones and the stoned fruit fall into independent shoots.