11 examples of how Feedly users track specific concepts across millions of sources with AI Feeds

Fecha de publicación: 25/06/2021
Fuente: Noticias ICEX
Lugar: News Reader
News Reader11 examples of how Feedly users track specific concepts across millions of sources with AI FeedsHow experts in market intelligence, cybersecurity, and biopharma translate their intelligence needs into AI FeedsThe best way to get inspiration to create your own AI Feeds and optimize the signal-to-noise ratio for your intelligence purposes is to look at examples that other researchers and analysts have created in Feedly. Here, we’ll show you examples of AI Feeds that real Feedly users across industries use to track relevant trends and topics across the web.Track emerging trendsAnalysts at a gaming company combine the Non-Fungible Token (NFT) concept with Video Games to track NFTs in their space.Keep up with innovationTrack innovation by your competitors or companies of interest, whether they’ve filed a new patent or created an existing technology.Research the strategic moves of your competitorsAn analyst at a retail company tracks the strategic moves their competitors are making: Are they launching new products? Raising funds? Signing partnerships? Combine the company with the various strategic moves you’re interested in to track these happenings.Research consumer behavior​​Analysts in the finance space combine the Consumer Insights concept with the Finance Industry” topic to surface insights on changes in consumers’ behavior in their space.Find inspiration for your content marketingContent Type concepts look for specific types of content (tutorials, listicles, expert insights, interviews, etc). Content creators and content strategists find inspiration for specific types of content by combining a content type with a social media platform, industry, or topic. For example, if you’re a social media strategist, you can track TikTok AND Tutorials to find examples of existing tutorials about TikTok.Keep up with peopleThis one’s simple. Salespeople targeting leads interested in specific people in the space just ask Feedly AI to track that specific person.Try Feedly for market intelligenceAutomate analysis with machine learning and effortlessly surface the insights that matter to you.START FREE 30-DAY TRIALDiscover and research critical vulnerabilities and zero-daysCyber threat intelligence analysts use the Vulnerability concept to track vulnerabilities and filter them based on their CVSS score (actual or predicted). They combine the Vulnerability concept with a specific company, whether one of their customers or in their supply chain, to keep an eye out for critical vulnerabilities affecting the company.Research threat actorsAnalysts research specific threat actors and their corresponding tactics and techniques according to the MITRE ATT&CK framework by combining Threat Actor names with the Tactics and Techniques (MITRE ATT&CK) concept.Track cyber attacksAnalysts use the Cyber Attacks concept combined with companies of interest (their own company, vendors, customers, or competitors) to track cyber attacks affecting these companies.Try Feedly for CybersecurityStreamline your open-source intelligence workflow with Feedly AI, your easy-to-train research assistant.START FREE 30-DAY TRIALTrack scientific breakthroughsResearchers at biopharma companies combine their disease of interest (like Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2) with the Scientific Breakthroughs concept to stay on top of the latest breakthroughs and innovations made by companies, startups, and research teams around this disease.Track regulatory changesResearchers at top pharma companies combine the concept of their disease of interest (Neoplasms, in this case) with the Regulatory Changes concept to track new laws and regulations, high-court rulings, bans, FDA and EMA approvals concerning this disease.Try Feedly for BiopharmaCreate personalized biopharma feeds to proactively track specific diseases, topics, and trends.START FREE 30-DAY TRIAL