WIPO "sustainability"
FIELD: agriculture.
SUBSTANCE: invention relates to ecology, agriculture, and in particular to a method for determining the sustainability of the saprotrophic microbial community of the soil. Method involves adding crushed straw of cereals to the soil sample. Sample is incubated for 12–14 days at a temperature of 22–23 °C and humidity 60 %. Functional spectrum of the microbial community is determined by the method of multisubstrate test and the stability index of the microbial community of the soil is calculated by the formula St=1-{2(Sum– K)/[K+(Sum–K)]}, where Sum is the sum of the points of activity of the microbial community of the soil according to the results of MCT in the sample where the straw was introduced, K is the same in the sample without the addition of straw. As a control, the soil is incubated under the same conditions without introducing straw, and the stability of the saprotrophic microbial community of the soil is evaluated. Sustainability is considered high if the value of the sustainability indicator (St) varies between 0.3–1; average, if the value of the index ranges from 0–0.3; low, if the value of the index varies between 0–(-)0.5, very low, if the limit value fluctuates below (-)0.5.
EFFECT: invention allows to simplify the method, to reduce the duration of the method and the duration of composting.
1 cl, 5 tbl, 5 ex
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