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Fuente: WIPO "sustainability"
The aim of the descriptive research design was to know the mediating role of consumer awareness with respect to green finance products and its impact on industrial and organizational sustainability. The researcher used structured questionnaire to collect the opinion from various respondents. The outcome of the research also witnessed that the GFI, AGFI, TLI, NFI all the goodness of fit index values have proved that >.70 which explains that the developed model is good enough to measure the awareness of the consumer with respect to green finance products and services and its impact on industrial and environmental sustainability. In fact, the outcome of the research can be generalized under any circumstances to assess the customer awareness with respect to green financial products and services and its corresponding impact on industrial-environmental sustainability. The invention is new with mediator as consumer awareness on green financial products and services. The invention is having social relevance and it is suitable to assess and to make them to utilize the green financial products and services. The various green financial products like: carbon finance, green life insurance, green business insurance, green infrastructure insurance and other green products and services are essential to protect the industrial-environmental sustainability in the contemporary scenario.