Compost Tea: An Emerging Nature-Based Supplement Strengthening Options for Durable Agriculture

Fecha de publicación: 01/12/2024
Fuente: Broccoli Byproducts Extraction
The increasing use of agrochemicals, including fertilizers and pesticides, is causing considerable pressure on natural resources, specifically the rhizosphere. Chemicals are altering the chemistry and biology of the rhizosphere, thereby increasing its vulnerability to pests and diseases through the degradation of microbial activities and soil fertility. This subsequently influences the phyllospheric activities and capacity to withstand insect pests and diseases, thereby having an ultimate impact on human health and ecology. Therefore, there is an increasing need for affordable and eco-friendly alternatives, such as the use of farm-derived natural and organic materials, to enhance ecological conditions. Compost tea is an organic solution that can be used to improve soil and plant health. It functions as a nutrient source for the soil and plants, as well as a biocontrol agent for plant disease prevention. Implementing a leaf covering forms a protective barrier that hinders the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. This review presents a comprehensive examination of compost tea, encompassing its historical context, diverse preparation methods employed by researchers, factors influencing these methods, application techniques, nutrient profile, potential advantages for soil, plants, and the environment, as well as important limitations that should be considered. However, there is a lack of comprehensive understanding regarding the specific mechanism of action, the potential use as a plant nutrient source, metagenomic studies, and the microbial interactions related to compost tea. Additional research is required to investigate these aspects in subsequent studies.