A comprehensive review of the resource efficiency and sustainability in biofuel production from industrial and agricultural waste

Fecha de publicación: 01/05/2024
Fuente: Green Extration Byproduct
This comprehensive research aims to examine the numerous industrial and agricultural waste streams involved in biodiesel production, providing insights into its potential, problems, and environmental consequences. Applying industrial and agricultural waste products that include high levels of lipids as feedstocks for biodiesel serves the dual purpose of diverting these materials away from landfills and incineration while converting them into lucrative and environmentally sustainable energy sources. This review comprehensively examines many categories of industrial waste feedstocks, including waste oils and greases, residues generated from manufacturing operations, and byproducts derived from agricultural and chemical companies. This review thoroughly investigates many essential components of biodiesel synthesis from industrial and agricultural waste, encompassing the characterisation of feedstock, pre-treatment procedures, transesterification processes, and purification methods. Considerable emphasis is placed on each feedstock’s distinct characteristics and obstacles, fostering a thorough comprehension of the biodiesel manufacturing procedure. The rationale behind implementing this sustainable energy solution is driven by its notable environmental benefits, which include reducing greenhouse gas emissions and facilitating ecological contaminants. Furthermore, this study investigates the economic viability, regulatory considerations, and developing trends within the industry, focusing on the potential of utilising biodiesel created from agricultural and industrial waste to foster a circular economy and optimise resource utilisation.

Graphical Abstract