Fecha de publicación: 22/05/2020
Fuente: Wipo "precision agriculture"
AEC- IOT-BASED SYSTEM: IOT-BASED SYSTEM FOR AGRICULTURE ENVIRONMENT CONTROLABSTRACTThe invention “AEC- IOT-BASED SYSTEM” is An Internet-of-Thing (IoT) method for improving ROI of farming includes placing a plurality of advanced sensor hubs in predetermined locations in a farm, each hub including a meteorological data acquisition system and an environmental data collection system; and monitoring key elements in the growing of plants from a plurality of sensor hubs including lighting, humidity, temp, soil moisture, and elements that influence plant growth. The invented system may include one or more of the following. The system provides a Multi-Channel Wavelength Smart control design that enables researcher and grower to setup and optimize the efficiency of lighting receipt, and additionally to dim, shutdown and turn off the bright/darkness cycle in order to provide effective PPFD during the bright and dark period. The computer systems and controllers are capable of permitting farmers and farming business to exercise extremely precise control over almost every aspect of a farming operation, such as fertilizing, planting, spraying or harvesting crops. The precision agriculture and to the application of apparatus and networking approaches to support precision agriculture. The monitoring and control systems for agricultural production areas. Also the wireless network of sensors and actuators, and a remote server and database for data analysis, dissemination of information distribution and integrated control of the actuators.