Fecha de publicación: 15/09/2023
Fuente: Wipo "BigData"
There are many definitions and techniques that make the road to solving big data a challenging task. The use of cloud computing combined with a proven big data software architecture helps reduce project costs, development time, and removes the complexity of core implementation techniques. The combination of cloud computing and big data platforms results in a new service model called Big Data as a Service (BDaaS), which automates the process of providing infrastructure. This work presents an architecture for big data systems in private clouds, using a real functional evaluation system. The architecture supports batch/real-time processing, messaging systems, and data services based on web APIs. The architectural description outlines the technology roadmap, consisting exclusively of big data tools. The results showed that the proposed architecture supports cloud computing facilities and performs well in analyzing large data sets.Accompanied Drawing [FIG. 1] [FIG. 2] [FIG. 3] [FIG. 4] [FIG. 5] [FIG. 6]