Investigation of Organic Solvent Transport in NR‐NBR Blends Reinforced With Ferrite Nanoparticles: A Comprehensive Study

Fecha de publicación: 17/01/2025
Fuente: Journal of applied polymer
This research examines the transport of three commonly used laboratory solvents (hexane, toluene, and ethanol) with varying solubility parameters through a polymer blend nanocomposite membrane prepared by two-roll milling. The primary objective was to evaluate how incorporating magnetically active ferrite influences the transport behavior of these solvents in natural rubber-nitrile rubber (NR-NBR) blends to enhance chemical resistance and control diffusion. The study revealed that ferrite reduced solvent absorption, diffusion, sorption, and permeation constants at lower loadings, with solubility differences significantly impacting transport properties. Morphological analysis confirmed that fillers reduced swelling coefficients by blocking solvent diffusion channels and improving reinforcement at lower loadings, as validated by cross-link density. The influence of blend ratio, solvent molecule size, and ferrite content on aromatic and aliphatic solvent diffusion was analyzed, and the data supported the development of mathematical models to predict diffusion behavior and understand transport mechanisms.