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Fuente: WIPO "honey"
ABSTRACTOur Invention Design of performance Based Concrete Using Sand Reclaimed from Construction and Demolition Waste is an advanced recycling construction and demolition defined fines involves using defined value or unit mixed fines from construction and demolition debris that would otherwise be disposed of at Indian landfills as an ingredient in cement or concrete. The invented concept defined mixed fines contain a plurality of materials selected from the group consisting of asphalt, plastics, ceramics, fiberglass, building material, waste salt, waste plastic and batt insulation, soil, dust, drywall, hard and soft wood, plaster, paper, cardboard, dirt if other available then also used. The invention is also a fines contain particles of recyclable materials, such as concrete, bricks, mortar, metals, glass, salt, powder of digital component, powder of bone and other material is available and also the fines may range in fixed size from microns up to 5 inches in at least one direction. The invention is a bottom of the storage bins is pitched and includes as sieve so that any liquid exiting the outlet slot will flow through the sieve and be transported away from solid waste and by substantially reducing the defined liquid content of the solid waste the land fill volume will have fewer organic fluids and liquids reducing the amount of leach aids and the formation of methane gas.