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Fuente: WIPO "apiculture"
is a technological solution that mixes administrative, computational and electronic engineering knowledge, and aims to modernize the whole apicultural production chain. The administrative part of the ensemble proposes the use of small electronic equipment for all the activities of the field and industrial jobs. The equipment is carried attached to the user's body, in such a manner that its presence influences the minimum possible in the user's quotidian activities, maximizing its ergonomics quality. The equipment can be activated without using hands. Still from an administrative point of view, logistic processes for transferring and storing items, coupled with a complex but intuitive system of classes and subclasses of codes, assessed and monitored by the electronic equipment, register everything, in an automatic and inductive manner, leading the user to an inevitable recording of all the details in its daily activities. The computational and electronics knowledge used make possible that all the details idealized to register activities, the transfers and assets used, can be executed in practice. The result of the use of this solution is a conscious consumer, aware of the quality of the products consumed, a producer who is able to highlight the quality of his products produced with care, and a sector that learns how to know its potentials and can have modern and efficient tools to augment its productivity.