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Fuente: WIPO "pollen"
7192. Pollen, A. H., Pearce, H., and Billington, J. E. March 25. Quadding-apparatus for type-bar making machines, instead of requiring an act on the part of the operator, is arranged to detect the necessity of and effect such quadding automatically. The parts are described as applied to the machine described in Specification 14,582/90. After the composition of a line is accomplished, the usual left-hand shifter-finger 1 is released to support the matrices by devices, similar to those described in Specification 6273/07, comprising a vertically movable rod 8 adapted to be raised by a spring 11 when released by a bracket 12 on the assembler elevator 5, and, carried by the rod 8, an adjustable rod 14, which is provided with a lug 16 normally engaging a stud 17 on the finger 1. The movement of a horizontal bar 24 beneath the extension 25 of a pivoted latch 23, as described in Specifications 6273/07 and 17,868/08, which normally prevents a bolt 22 on the first elevator 6 from moving rearwards to accomplish the release of the righthand vice-jaw for effecting the quadding, is controlled by the release of the finger 1. The bar 24 is provided with an adjustable extension 29 adapted normally to bear against a bracket 18, depending from the rod 14, which supports a shaft 19 carrying lever arms 20, 21. A latch 35 on the rod 8 normally engages the bar 24. The left-hand face of the arm 20 is at a known distance from the left-hand face of the lug 16, and, when the rod 8 rises, moves into the path of the stud 17 on the finger 1. The bracket 18 may be adjustably mounted on the rod 14 in order that the distance between the faces of the members 16, 20 may be varied. When a line of approximately standard length has been composed and the finger 1 released, the stud 17 does not move far enough to actuate the lever 20, 21, but, when the composed line is short, the lever is caused to move the bar 24 beneath the latch 23, and quadding automatically takes place. The bar 24 is returned by a cam on the latch into engagement with the latch 35. Au adjustable stop 38 limits the upward movement of the rod 8 and lever 20, 21.