Improvements in the Escapement Mechanism of Double Magazine Typographical Machines.

Fecha de publicación: 19/05/1910
Fuente: WIPO "pollen"
12,024. Pollen, A. H., [Mergenthaler Setzmaschinen-Fabrik Ges.]. May 21. Escapements for type - bar making machines having two magazines. The escapements 5, 6 of the two machines are operated respectively by the cams 11, 12 of three-armed levers which are connected by rods 8 to key-levers 7. The arms 13 of the three-armed levers rest in a trough 15, which can be moved by means of rods 16 so as to bring either the arms 11 or the arms 12 into engagement with the corresponding escapements.