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Fuente: WIPO "pollen"
14,415. Pollen, A. H., and Isherwood, H. July 7. Sights and methods of sighting.-Relates to apparatus for transmitting electrically the movements of one shaft to another shaft. According to the invention, which may be used for indicating the position of a range-finder in azimuth, and also for indicating the position of the range-adjusting head, each position of the transmitting shaft connects one of a number of lines into circuit and the receiving shaft is driven until the energized line is insulated by a drum carried by the shaft. For giving close accuracy of reproduction there are provided two or more drums with two or more sets of transmitting circuits reproducing the units, tens, &c. digits of an indication. In the arrangement shown in Fig. 1, the transmitting axis drives the switch arm a, and a circuit is completed over the segment on which this arm rests and one of the segments f', f of a drum f at the receiving station, unless the lead from this segment is connected to a brush resting on the insulating part h of the receiving drum. The circuit through a segment f or f energizes a magnet in a constantly rotating clutch x or y to connect the armature d and shaft c to the clutch, thus driving the drum f until the circuit is broken. The shaft c actuates the indicator b. When indications of tens and units are given, the axis of the tens switch arm a is connected through reducing gear to a shaft driving the tens transmitting arm. A receiving apparatus for this arrangement is shown in Fig. 3. The units switching drum f and tens drum g are divided into two parts by spiral insulating paths. Each lead is connected to a brush resting on one of the drums through a switch 5, 6 which is opened by a cam, Figs. 3 and 4, when the brush reaches the insulating part of the drum, thus preventing sparking on the drum. The units drum f is connected to the tens drum g through reducing gear. In order to prevent both the clutches x, y from being energized at the same time over the drums f, g the clutch circuits from the drum g are connected through magnets A, which open the clutch circuits from the drum f. To ensure that the tens switch arm passes from one digit to the next at the same time that the units arm passes from the digit 9 to the digit 0, the arrangement shown in Fig. 5 is used. The units arm a connects the two-part tens arm a into circuit through the segments z, z. As the arm a moves from the segment 9 to the segment 0 it changes the connexions at the tens apparatus from the arm s' and segment 7 to the arm s and the segment 8. The system may also be employed to operate apparatus other than an indicating pointer.0>1>1>0>2>1>2>