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Fuente: WIPO "pollen"
155,030. Pollen, A. H., and Argo Co. Sept. 10, 1919. Gyroscopic apparatus.-Relates to naval fire-control and gunlaying apparatus for use against targets invisible from the gun position, and consists in the employment of one or more datum lines gyroscopically fixed in space, in conjunction with range and bearing clocks. In the form shown, as applied to a turret, a gyroscope 2, driven electrically or by compressed air, is mounted in gimbals 3, 4 carried by a bracket 5 fixed to a casing 6 which is mounted in gimbals 7, 8 on pedestals 9 on the turret floor 1. Within the casing 6 is a ring 10, rotatable by hand or power, carrying a source of light 12, adapted to project a beam of light upon a mirror 13 carried by the gimbal ring 4, and thence upon the inside of the ring 10. The ring 10 is initially adjusted so that the spot of light 14 coincides with a lubber line 15 thereon. Any movement of the turret in azimuth will disturb this setting, which may be restored bv training the turret. The ring 10 may be rotated by hand, or by gearing from a motor controlled from a bearing clock, at a speed synchronous with the azimuthal speed of a. moving target or ship. By training the turret to maintain the coincidence of the spot 14 and the lubber line, the gun is made to follow the target in azimuth. A similar device is described for controlling the movements of the gun in elevation. It is stated that the apparatus may be employed at the fire-control or director position, instead of at each individual gun. Specification 11009/13 is referred to in the Provisional Specification.