Improvements in Ball and Disk Variable Speed Mechanism.

Fecha de publicación: 24/10/1912
Fuente: WIPO "pollen"
17,441. Pollen, A. H., and Isherwood, H. April 4. Variable-speed friction gearing comprises a steel ball 60, which transmits power from a disk 50 to a pair of cylindrical rollers 61, 62. The disk 50 turns about a vertical axis and is pressed upwards by a spring 54, Fig. 1. The rollers 61, 62 are supported parallel to a diameter of the disk 50 in a frame 63, which can slide. The ball 60 pressing upwards on the rollers 61, 62, presses the frame 63 against linear ball bearings 64. When the rollers 61, 62 are moved endways to vary the speed, the ball 60 rolls in the same direction a proportionate amount, the power transmission being continuous. The movements of the frame 63 and ball 60 are co-ordinated, to ensure correctness, by slotted levers 68. The levers 68 engage pins 70 on the frame 63 and also pins 71 upon a sliding frame 66, which embraces the ball 60 and carries rollers 67 adapted to engage it. The gearing is operated by a rack 23 and pinion 24.