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Fuente: WIPO "beekeeper"
549,740. 'Bee-keepers' appliances. DADANT, H. C., and GROUT, R. A. July 17, 1941, No. 9057. [Class 5 (ii)] In a wax honeycomb foundation sheet 8 reinforced with an embedded system of wires, the wires terminate at one or more of the edges of the sheet and a U-shaped'metal or other strengthening strip 29 is clamped over the edge or edges on to the ends of the wires. The sheet 8 is mounted in a frame consisting of a bottom bar 6 engaging in notches in the lower ends of side bars 3 depending inwardly of the ends from a top bar 2. The bar 6 is longitudinally grooved or consists of two members spaced apart to provide a slot 7. As shown in Figs. 1 and 2, the upper ends of the corrugated transverse reinforcing wires 11 are bent to form hooks 1 and the upper edge of the sheet 8 is secured in a rabbet 20 on the bar 2 by means of a strip 21 and inclined nails 22, the lower edge with the strip 29 being received in the slot 7. The strip 29 may be extended to hook under the side bars 3 in the notches. As shown in Figs. 8 and 9, strips 29 are clamped to the sides over the ends of the longitudinal wires 10, the ends of the strips being secured to the bars 2, 6 by nails 22, 33. The sheet may be provided with longitudinal wires 10 only or extended so that the strengthened side edges engage in grooves in the side bars 3. In other forms, the side and bottom edges, or all four edges, of the sheet are provided with strengthening strips.