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Fuente: WIPO "propolis"
1465194 Purifying and separating bee glue K L AAGAARD 2 April 1974 [3 Jan 1974] 14637/74 Heading C4D Bee glue (propolis) which is derived from beehives is purified and separated by maintaining raw propolis at a temperature below -10‹ C. for a period of time sufficient substantially to destroy any living organism present, defrosting the propolis at a temperature of about 20‹ C. and maintaining it at or about this temperature to allow development of any viable larvae eggs present, refreezing the propolis for a period sufficient to destroy all viable organisms, crushing it at a temperature below 10‹ C. to produce grains having a maximum dimension of 6 mm. and thereafter fractionating the grains at a temperature of about 0‹ C. to sort the grains according to size. An apparatus for carrying out this process is described.