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Fuente: WIPO "honey"
9372. Hills, A. F., Urquhart, D., and Honey, A. E. April 23. Armatures.-Relates to the winding of armatures of continuous-current dynamo-electric machines, and is especially applicable to the armatures of motors used in connection with forced-draught apparatus in stoke-holes, where the insulating- material of the winding of the armature is liable to become charred. The armature slots b, Fig. 1, are lined with mica, micanite, or other suitable incombustible insulating-material, and the bare conductors separated from each other by layers e,f, g of the same material. The slots are closed by wedges of wood h. The method of insulating the end conductors is shown in Fig. 2, where strips j, k separate the conductors i from each other and from the body of the armature. The bare conductors may be in the form of flat strips having well-rounded edges.