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Fuente: WIPO "hive"
Rotating brood-frame bee hive for controlling small hive beetle infestation of the hive. Under the brood chamber (4) a corridor (14) bordered by a lower wall (12) and an upper wall (13) is provided, the upper wall being the lower panel of the brood chamber (4) in which an opening (15) is formed. The lower wall (12) is provided with a gateway (30) for the larvae of the small hive beetle. A collecting tray (17) is arranged at least beneath the gateway (30). The corridor's lower wall (12) provided with the gateway (30) is illuminated from below. During the method the brood frames are rotated by 180㱸 every 24 hours around a shaft which is parallel with the ground so that 45㱸 rotation is effected every 6 hours or 90㱸rotation is effected every 12 hours, thereby swarming is prevented.