Improvements in or relating to the stiffening of parts of footwear

Fecha de publicación: 17/08/1933
Fuente: WIPO "miel"
397,141. Boots and shoes. BRITISH UNITED SHOE MACHINERY CO., Ltd., Union Works, Belgrave Road, Leicester, and MACDONALD, D. B., Narborough Hall, Narborough, Leicestershire. Feb. 17, 1932, No. 4671. [Class 17 (ii).] Stiffeners.-A shoe-upper end stiffener of the kind charged with a stiffening agent is provided, at a localized portion, with a plasticizer or solvent for at least an ingredient of the agent, to render this portion temporarily or permanentlv more flexible. In the case of toe puffs charged with celluloid and resin and/or a resin ester and skived at the rear margin by a band knife, as described in Specification 361, 449, [Group VIII], a drip-feed lubricator may be fitted to the machine to deliver to the knife and thereby to the skived portion tricresyl phosphate, castor oil, or stearin, these substances producing a permanent effect. For producing a temporary effect, a low-volatility solvent such as diacetone alcohol may be used. Specification 355,349 also is referred to.