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Fuente: WIPO (eseential oils OR extracts)
The invention discloses the novel method for development of anti-diabetic agent from Clerodendrum infortunatum leaf extracts. The purification compound and their alpha-amylase inhibitory proceed with following steps; a) collection, drying and crushing leaf sample in mortar pestle, b) dry leaf powder treated with acetone for the extraction of secondary metabolites, c) filter the sample, dried and re-dissolved acetone, d) loaded the sample on TLC and run in solvent system (Toluene: Ethyl acetate: Formic acid; 10:10:2), e) total four distinct band are present on TLC, scrapped the four band and re-dissolved in acetone, f) acetone dissolved TLC band dried at room and temperature and dissolved in 10mM sodium phosphate buffer, g) dissolved TLC purified compound 2mg/ml, 2mg/ml starch solution and 50 U/ml alpha-amylase enzyme in phosphate buffer, h) reaction mixture prepared mixture of buffer(800µl), 200 µl TLC purified (2mg/ml), 200 µl starch (2mg/ml) and 20µl enzyme (50U/ml), i) incubate for an hour at 37 0C and then add 200µl of iodine indicator observe the color change, k) absorbance of the mixture was taken at 565 nm in UV-VIS spectrophotometer. Color of enzyme solution and spectrophotometer showed good alpha-amylase inhibitory activity. The TLC purified compound and their alpha-inhibitory activity is new approach for the development of medicine as anti-diabetic.