EOHUB course-Cycle of conferences: January 2022. PART I.

Fecha de publicación: 12/01/2022
Fuente: European Hub for Essential Oils
Lugar: News
In the framework of EOHUB course and its activities, it was held yesterday the first conference of the Cycle of January.
Our colleagues, Florin Ioras, from Buckinhamshire New University, and Indrachapa Bandara, from EyeBB, gave an interesting insight into entrepreneurship, in the conference: «Innovation and entrepreneurship opportunities in the UK». 
For the attendees, it was a very interesting opportunity to learn first-hand about the current situation of entrepreneurship in the UK.

For those who missed conference, here is the recording:

EOHUB Cycle of conferences – January 2022. Part I. Recording of conference

@EUErasmusPlus @BucksNewUni @FlorinIoras #EOHUB #Erasmusplus #essentialoils #entrepreneurship #EyeBB #BUCKS #UK

La entrada EOHUB course-Cycle of conferences: January 2022. PART I. se publicó primero en EOHUB European Hub for Essential Oils.