Evaluation of high temperature impacts and nanotechnology as a shield against temperature stress on tomatoes - A review

Fecha de publicación: 18/11/2024
Fuente: PubMed "Tomato process"
Sci Total Environ. 2024 Nov 16:177551. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.177551. Online ahead of print.ABSTRACTRising temperature due to changing climate significantly impacts the production of tomato. The morpho-physiological functions of tomato such as gas exchange, growth and development, flowering, fruit setting, quality, fruit size, weight that can influence the yield and production is drastically affected by higher temperatures. Among the growth stages of tomato, flowering and fruit setting stage is highly vulnerable to high temperature resulting in reduced flower numbers, increased flower abortion, stigma exertion, abnormal ovule, reduced pollen germination, pollen numbers, pollen tube development, pollen viability and increased male sterility. The flower to fruit ratio and duration also highly influenced by higher temperatures. It significantly reduced fruit set, fruit number, weight and quality (Lycopene, carotenoids), changing sugars and acids ratio. Apart from day temperature, the asymmetrically rising night temperature and difference in day and night temperature pattern plays a considerable role in physiological and biochemical processes of tomato. Nanotechnology proves to be a successful tool for sustainable production of tomato than many other alternative mitigation strategies due to its localized action, low quantity requirement, minimal wastage, less residues, eco friendliness, biodegradability, multifunctionality, synergistic capabilities and higher plant productivity. It imitates the antioxidant enzymes playing active role in physiological functions in tomato thereby inducing tolerance mechanisms for managing high temperature stress. Further research should focus on use of several other nanoparticles that have potential but not yet experimented on tomato to mitigate heat stress and producing biodegradable, green synthesized nanoparticles that are cost effective and affordable to farmers.PMID:39557167 | DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.177551